RECAP: Reenu, who is an assistant designer at a fashion house, had just moved in her apartment where she encountered Varun via a small game of cricket that had left her window broken. In a very short time, she got close to him; rather had fallen for him. One fine day, Varun surprised her by gifting her a dress and asking for a dinner date, which happened to be the perfect date – any girl could dream of.
It didn’t appear to be like a workplace. No one was there on their respective desks. An informal meeting was being conducted in the center of the office with Mr. Kapoor in the center, surrounded by his employees.
“With great pleasure, I would like to share with you guys that we have got the contract we had been working on for the last 6 months.” – said Mr. Kapoor, the managing director of the fashion house where Reenu worked.
A ray of chuckling and giggling started being spread amongst everyone standing there surrounding Mr. Kapoor. It was a big day for each and everyone there.
“Hold on guys, hold on to your happiness.” – Mr. Kapoor interrupted in the enjoyment and took a 2-minute pause.
Everyone was astonished. They had no clue about what was going on in their boss’s mind.
“Congratulations to Reenu! The fashion house appreciates your hard work and is appointing you as a lead fashion designer for this contract.” – Mr. Kapoor praised Reenu with his hands clapping, lips smiling and eyes filled with expectation.
All of a sudden, the attention has shifted from Mr. Kapoor to Reenu. Everyone was applauding and cheering her up. Reenu looked like a complete professional in her white dress with a brownish blazer over it. It was not her beauty but her simplicity that added to her charming personality. She had spark in her eyes and confidence in her attitude.
“Thank you sir for considering me capable enough. I will surely not let you down.” Reenu expressed her gratitude.
“You deserve this Reenu but let me tell you that you just have one month, so start working from today itself”
“Sure sir, thank you.”

It was the next one of the most wonderful things that had happened to Reenu after Varun had come into her life; the first one being her date with him. She dialed Varun’s number.
“Hello, sweetheart!” – the voice on the other side said.
“Oh, Varun! I love you, I love you, I love you sooo much.”
“क्या बात है, आज अचानक इतना प्यार कैसे आ रहा है! (What’s the matter, how, suddenly, this much love is coming today!)”
“अरे (Hey), you know, you are my lucky charm. जबसे तुमसे मिली हूँ, सब अच्छा ही हो रहा है. (Since the time I have met you, everything is going very well.)”
“पर बताओ तो कि हुआ क्या है? (But tell me what happened?)” – Varun enquired.
Reenu gave a detailed description of all that had happened in the office.
“I’m so proud of Reenu. Keep it up! You have a long way to go yet.”
“Thanks यार (buddy), Varun!”
“अरे, मेहनत तुम्हारी और तुम मुझे थैंक्स बोल रही हो. क्या यार! चलो, अब काम करो (Hey, your hard work and you are saying me, thanks. What buddy! Go, work now.). Talk to you later. Bye. Love you!” – said Varun and disconnected the call. Reenu started working again.
At 8:00 PM in the night, as she reached home, she saw that the door was already open. She got in and Varun was already there, sitting in dim light with the roses and candles on the table and a bottle of wine in his hand.
“Come, baby! Let’s celebrate your achievement.”
Reenu rushed towards him and gave him a tight hug.
“Thank you sooo much. तुम बैठो. मैं अभी फ्रेश होकर आती हूँ (You sit. I am coming after getting freshened up).”
As she came back from washroom, she saw Varun filling the glass with wine. She was so happy that she had given the key to her house to Varun; otherwise, she would have never experienced this great surprise. They both got into talking. Reenu started the play-list on her phone for a slight little background music. “कहदूँ तुम्हे… या चुप रहूं…..” started being played.
“So, what about the party, huh?” – asked Varun
“Sure. Tell me. कहाँ चाहिए पार्टी (Where do you want the party)?”

“Here itself” – said Varun with more lust than love in his eyes; as he approached Reenu and started kissing her lips.
“क्या कर रहे हो (What are you doing)?” – asked Reenu in the shyest tone.
“प्यार (love)” – Varun replied.
He kissed behind her earlobes and then on her neck. Reenu was losing her control. The atmosphere of the room added to the hormonal rush in her body. The dim light, the scented candles, the roses, the wine, the music and Varun’s touch made a sensual combination. The song in the background played – “रात अकेली है… बुझ गए दिये …”.